Chichester Caterers

Saturday 25th January, 2025

Goodwood Event Catering

By , Posted on 18th June 2013 - Posted in: Corporate Event Catering

We were delighted to be invited to provide location catering services at a top-secret film shoot for a brand new car at Goodwood House.

Goodwood has a long-established reputation as one of the truly iconic homes of British motorsport with its historic circuit which played host to numerous Grand Prix races between the 1940s and 1960s and more recently has been home to the Festival of Speed and Revival Meeting events under the watchful eye of the present Earl of March, who is widely known as a diehard aficionado of all things automotive.

It’s no surprise that a certain global brand chose this prestigious venue as the ideal place to showcase one of their fine new four-wheeled offerings to the world, and amidst the shroud of secrecy that this entailed, we set to work to feed legions of hungry drivers and crew from a specially branded outdoor catering area. Catering for events of this nature is all in a day’s work for us, and we’d like to think that we played our part in ensuring that the assembled team was suitably fuelled to carry out their respective tasks.

Goodwood Location Filming Catering

Our HQ for the weekend’s filming in the Cathedral Paddock

Thankfully, the weather was kind to all involved, and the shoot passed off without a hitch over a glorious June weekend in Sussex, and no sooner than it had been completed, the stars of the show were carefully put under wraps again for transportation back to their producer to make sure that they were kept away from any prying eyes. The whole thing was carried out like a clandestine operation that our very own super-spy James Bond would be proud to be part of, though it goes without saying that this is very much to be expected when the launch of any new vehicle is imminent.

It was a wonderful few days, and of course, a huge honour to be involved. We’ve always believed that hard work deserves some equally hard play as a reward from time to time, and one of the undoubted perks was that we got to experience the renowned 1.16 mile Hill Climb track for ourselves. A white-knuckle ride? Quite possibly. Brilliant fun? Definitely!

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